Looking Forward To Spring Fair 2015

As most of us are ramping up the preparations for the Christmas and New Year festivities, other dates on the calendar are also demanding our attention.
Most resellers and retailers will already have plans in place for Burn’s Night in January, and Valentine’s Day in February. However, one of the most important dates in the first half of the year falls between those two.
In 2015, Spring Fair at the NEC Birmingham is being held from the 1st to 5th February.
This is a few days earlier than the last few years so don’t get caught out. Remember too to visit the Spring Fair website to register for your free visitor tickets if you’re not attending as an exhibitor.
Once again TreeLocate will be there in Hall 2, at stand D32-E33, with a large selection of new products for the housewares and giftwares retailer. This year we’re also adding a feature collection of large floral arrangement floor planters – ideal for reception and lobby areas, as well as for meeting and waiting rooms.
We look forward to meeting you at Spring Fair 2015.