Seasonal Artificial Foliage

Around this time of year, when summer has well and truly left and the chillier, crisper season takes its place, there is always a distinct change in atmosphere. Nature’s green hue is transformed into vibrant yellows, oranges and browns, and the ‘cosy’ vibe takes over from BBQs and suntans.
And it’s not just in the outside world that these major changes take place. As people start to embrace the beautiful colours, flavours and smells that the colder seasons bring, it’s easy to spot the outside world making its way in. Shopping centres show off grand displays of seasonal foliage, from autumnal woodland walkthroughs to extravagant artificial Christmas trees, surrounded by fake snow and candy canes. Hotels decorate their lobbies with fake trees and branches, so realistic that guests can’t help but stare on in awe. It’s a beautiful time to be indoors.
Theres something fascinating about finding nature where nature wouldn’t usually be. A tree in a hotel lobby, maple leaf garlands wrapped around bannisters or Faux Christmas berries in shop windows, whatever it is, it can’t be argued that it’s incredible to witness.
Seasonal Artificial Tress Plants & Flowers
We take such pride in producing and supplying the very best replica trees and our other artificial products with outstanding quality. Our choice artificial foliage has many options to suit any season you’re replicating. Whether you’re looking to wow guests and visitors with a taste of the world’s beauty, or you want to build the perfect display for a special event, we have an incredible range of artificial plants, flowers and seasonal foliage to choose from.
Our ultra-realistic products are designed with your vision in mind. From inviting artificial ivy to beautiful cherry blossom garlands and beyond, we can work with you to meet your exact specifications. With wholesale prices available, we can keep your costs down to a minimum.
Unlike with natural trees and foliage, our maintenance-free replicas are guaranteed to stay as attractive as the first time you see them, even when the seasons change.
When it comes to public safety, our FireSilx fire retardant foliage is the number one choice for many interior designers, architects and visual merchandisers. You can stay safe in the knowledge that your chosen plants and foliage will keep your customers, guests, staff and business safe.
No matter what your seasonal requirements are, be they a magical winter wonderland, complete with snowberries, bare branches and pine needles, or an autumnal array of colour, featuring juicy fruits and vibrant orange leaves, we can help you discover how to bring the beauty of the seasons indoors with our premium faux products
Find out more or ask for a quote from our experienced team, by getting in touch with us today.